The EUropean Study on VIOlence Risk and MEntal Disorders (EU-VIORMED) is a new collaborative research project that aims to improve the quality of forensic psychiatric care in Europe.

Forensic psychiatry treats mentally disordered people who are a risk to the public. Here, the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders must accurately formulate and understand  the complicated relationship between mental disorders and the risk of violence to self and others, while avoiding being overly restrictive.

Forensic psychiatry spans a challenging physical and ethical space between the needs and rights of patients, the public and the criminal justice system, and between medical treatment and public protection.
Forensic psychiatric services of one form or another exist in every EU state, but their design, operational models, clinical resources and guiding principles differ markedly. Today they are expanding in some member states, while contracting in others.

EU-VIORMED aims to:


Describe forensic psychiatry services as they exist today in 2018 across the European Union.


Identifying risk factors for violence in a unique international forensic sample and


Testing for the very first time in a related EU sample two contrasting methods of violence risk assessment.


Exploring what works for these often marginalized patients, their families and their carers, at an operational, clinical and ethical level.
3 February 2025

Category: News

NEW! Publication on highly varying concepts and capacities of forensic mental health services across the European Union

We are pleased to announce that an article by the EU-VIORMED group has been published in Frontiers in Public Health on January, 2023. There is wide variation in the processes, structures and treatment models for dealing with mentally disordered offenders across the European Union. There is a serious lack of data on population levels of […]... Read more

3 February 2025

Category: News

NEW! Publication on comparing forensic and non-forensic women with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

We are pleased to announce that an article by the EU-VIORMED group has been published in International Review of Psychiatry on November, 2024. Studies about violence by women with severe mental disorders are rare. The aim of this paper is to analyse the sample of women diagnosed with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSD) from the EU-VIORMED […]... Read more

3 February 2025

Category: News

NEW! Publication on The predictive validity and temporal characteristics of the HCR-20v3 for inpatient violence in forensic inpatient settings

We are pleased to announce that an article by the EU-VIORMED group has been published in Psychiatric Research on September, 2024. Aggression and violence are common day to day problems in psychiatric settings. However, the optimal means of assessing that risk remains unclear. In the context of that uncertainty many tools have evolved, among which […]... Read more

This website is part of the project "European Study on Risk Factors for Violence in Mental Disorder and Forensic Care: a multicentre project - EU-VIORMED (PP-2-3-2016) which has received funding from the European Union.
The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains