NEW! Publication on decision-making and risk-taking in forensic and non-forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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We are pleased to announce that an article by the EU-VIORMED group has been published in Schizophrenia Research: Cognition (Impact Factor: 2.3) on May 19, 2022.

Studies of patients with schizophrenia and offenders with severe mental disorders decision-making performance have produced mixed findings. In addition, most earlier studies have assessed decision-making skills in offenders or people with mental disorders, separately, thus neglecting the possible additional contribution of a mental disorder on choice patterns in people who offend. This study aimed to fill this gap by comparing risk-taking in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD), with and without a history of serious violent offending assessing whether, and to what extent, risk-taking represents a significant predictor of group membership, controlling for their executive skills, as well as for socio-demographic and clinical characteristics.

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The article is available also as online content, please see 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100257

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